Technique of Tooth Relieving for Gear Cutting Hobs
hob, grinding, radial relieving, relieved tooth flank, involute gearwheelsAbstract
The relieved flank of the hob is an analog of a helical surface with a lead angle increased for one tooth flank and reduced for the other relative to the hob generating surface’s lead angle, i.e., a helical surface on which the cutting edges of the hob teeth are located. The main disadvantages of the existing relieving technique are the distortion of the generating surface profile during hob regrinding to restore the cutting properties of the tool, the dependence of the relieving setting-up on the diameter of the grinding wheel, and the high complexity of achieving the required accuracy of the hob profile.
It is proposed to produce hob tooth flanks as involute surfaces. A theoretically accurate involute helical surface may be obtained with grinding on the grinding wheel’s parallel axes with a straight profile and the product. The formation of involute flanks of the hob teeth is considered. The procedure for calculating the parameters of the hob and the relieving process is given. The method for determining the organic error of the obtained profile of the hob generating rack is developed. The main parameter of the preliminary grinding of the hob is determined - the tooth flank’s recession at the hob angular step, depending on the length of the ground part of the tooth and the grinding allowance. The hob and the relieving process parameters are studied, which exclude incompletely relieved surfaces. Calculation examples as applied to the manufacture of precision hobs of the accuracy grade AAA are given.References
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