Development of a Multifunctional Aggregate Machine for Education and Business
aggregate machine, technical system, body, equipment, bed, rackAbstract
The problem of ensuring the safety and continuity of machine-building industries is particularly relevant in today’s changing world. Massive equipment is gradually being replaced by multitasking machines, allowing to expand quickly the production of products of the appropriate quality anywhere with minimal cost. The paper presents the main stages of development of a new multifunctional aggregate machine. The study of the machine was carried out using methods of system analysis; and a schematic diagram describing the relationship of all elements was developed. Most parts and components of the machine are standardized, which simplifies its construction, design and production. In the structural diagram, the machine is a technical system consisting of subsystems: body, equipment, mechanization system, lubricating and cooling system, automation system, power supply, which in turn are divided into smaller elements. The universality of the developed machine lies in various assembly schemes. So, depending on the assembly scheme of the body, it is possible to assemble various types of machines. In the paper the possible assembly methods and types of assembled machines for each scheme are presented. Depending on the application - for education or for business - the machine will have various modifications in automation and the electrical system.References
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