Features of the Use of Phase-Manipulated Pseudo-Random Signals without On-Board Processing in Satellite Communication Systems with a Nonlinear Repeater
phase-manipulated pseudo-random signal, satellite communication system, nonlinear repeaterAbstract
The features of the use of phase-manipulated pseudo-random signals without on-board processing in satellite communication systems with a nonlinear repeater are analyzed. In particular, the process of passing signals through a nonlinear repeater is considered, taking into account the resulting combinational interference. In more detail, attention is paid to one of the ways of noise protection of satellite communication lines - the use of spatial signal processing and interference in antenna systems. Depending on the type and number of subscribers served by antenna systems, the implementation of the above method is possible by using spatial selection of signals and interference, based on the use of antennas with narrow directional patterns; spatial interference rejection, based on the use of adaptive antenna systems that form dips in the directional pattern in the direction of interference sources; suppression of narrow-band interference in the notch frequency filter and the joint application of all these methods of interference suppression. The placement of multipath antennas on board a repeater satellite, in addition to increasing the noise immunity of satellite communication lines, provides: an increase in the energy potential of the satellite communication line; multiple frequency reuse; multi-station access with time separation and switching of beams on board; the formation of a given service area from a system of independent partial beams with intersecting narrow radiation patterns; the protection of satellite communication lines due to the localization of electromagnetic radiation in a narrow solid angle. The use of multipath antennas with a large number of independently controlled beams on board the repeater satellite significantly complicates the repeater and worsens its weight and size characteristics. For this reason, existing satellite communication systems use multipath antennas, which, as a rule, have no more than 7...10 beams with independent control.References
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