Development of an Anthropomorphic Dental Simulator Based on the Robo-C Robot


  • A. A. Yuzhakov Perm National Research Polytechnic University
  • S. D. Arutyunov Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov
  • N. B. Astashina Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner
  • A. A. Baidarov Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner
  • I. I. Bezukladnikov Perm National Research Polytechnic University
  • S. A. Storozhev Perm National Research Polytechnic University



linguistic base, case, Smart-tooth, Smart-jaw, Robo-C, simulator


An analysis of robots (simulators) in education is provided. Promising directions for their development are highlighted, such as realism, interactivity, adaptation and personalization. The features of using simulators in dentistry are considered. The main disadvantages of existing simulators in dentistry have been identified, namely the lack of a communicative component and imitation of patient behavior. The anthropomorphic dental simulator is based on the Robo-C robot, which is a unique combination of advanced technologies and human facial expressions, which allows it to communicate with people, reproduce movements of different parts of the body and express emotions. As dental components, the following components were created and implemented into the Robo-C control system: a Smart jaw, including cameras and a temperature sensor, and a Smart tooth, including a pressure sensor. The Robo-C control system has been upgraded taking into account the Smart jaw and Smart tooth, which made it possible to connect the dental treatment process with the robot’s servos through its linguistic base. The process of analyzing data obtained from Smart jaw cameras using a neural network is described. A two-stage classification scheme for dental defects has been proposed and its effectiveness has been proven. The linguistic base contains a set of rules with the help of which devices (microphone, speakers, servos, Smart jaw, Smart tooth) interact with each other. An example of compiling a linguistic database rule is given. The linguistic base, Smart-jaw and Smart-tooth are configured for one of four cases: caries treatment, tooth preparation for a crown, tooth extraction, endodontic treatment. Treatment quality control is carried out using a comprehensive assessment of communication interaction with the robot and analysis of Smart-jaw and Smart-tooth data. An example of work in one of the cases is given. The anthropomorphic dental simulator presented in the article allows the use of new technologies in the training of dentists, as well as the simulation of various dental procedures, which will significantly improve the practical preparation of students for working with patients.

Author Biographies

A. A. Yuzhakov, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

DSc in Engineering, Professor

S. D. Arutyunov, Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov

Doctor of Medicine, Professor

N. B. Astashina, Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner

Doctor of Medicine, Professor

A. A. Baidarov, Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

I. I. Bezukladnikov, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

S. A. Storozhev, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Yuzhakov А. А., Arutyunov С. Д., Astashina Н. Б., Baidarov А. А., Bezukladnikov И. И., & Storozhev С. А. (2024). Development of an Anthropomorphic Dental Simulator Based on the Robo-C Robot. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 26(4), 13–22.


