investment potential, opportunities, resources, potential, assessment methodology, factors and indicators of investment potentialAbstract
The paper considers and clarifies the definition of the concept of "investment potential", its essence and features. The existing methods of assessing the investment potential of organizations are analyzed, and the need to assess investment potential is described. The aim of this work is to analyze theoretical approaches to determining the investment potential of construction enterprises and to identify the optimal method for assessing it. The investment potential of an enterprise is a combination of external and internal investment resources that have been accumulated at the enterprise for the implementation of the company's strategic goals with the available opportunities. The structure of investment potential should include groups of private potentials, such as financial, industrial, labor and market. Each particular potential, in turn, is determined by the corresponding factors (indicators). Analysis of the construction companies investment potential should contribute to accurate evaluation of their own resources and capabilities, the definition of an investment policy priorities of the organization. The increase and effective use of the organization's potential determines its viability and sustainable development. The investment potential is constantly changing over time due to the fact that there are changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The paper lists the main negative factors that negatively affect the activities of construction organizations.References
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