higher education, distance learning, technology, university, student, teacher, distantAbstract
In 2020, many areas of society were forced to be transferred to a remote work format. Education is no exception. Universities across the country made decisions on the organization of the educational process online. Based on a secondary analysis of sociological research and a survey of university students, the article analyzes the main problems of distance learning, offers recommendations for solving the identified problems and a possible combination of full-time and distance learning. The students quickly adapted to the distance. Students quickly and successfully adapted to distance learning, but they are not ready to consider its alternative to the traditional learning format. In addition, students admit to a decrease in the level of motivation for learning during a distance student. The main advantages of the distance form are: the ability to study in a comfortable and familiar environment; the ability to combine work with study; flexibility of the educational process. The key problems of distance learning, according to students, are: an increase in independent educational work; lack of „working“ forms of interaction with the teacher; inconvenience of using the platform for distance learning. The authors of the article believe that it is necessary to combine distance and traditional training formats by conducting lectures at the distance, and continue to conduct practical classes in the usual format. In addition, it is advisable to involve interesting speakers with the help of remote technologies to participate in seminars who can share their practical experience on the topic with students.References
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