
  • I. B. Ivanova Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov
  • A. Y. Vasilyeva Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov



digital twin, BIM technologies, life cycle, operation, housing and communal services, efficiency, sources of efficiency


This article examines the difference between digital counterparts and BIM technologies in terms of their role in design and construction, and their interaction with the environment. The features of the technologies are analyzed, as well as the sources of the effectiveness of the use of digital doubles in housing and communal services are considered. Building information modeling (BIM) is a technology that is based on the collection and processing of data on the architectural and planning, structural, economic, technological, and operational characteristics of an object. All the data embedded in the model interact and are connected to each other. This technology is an important step in the development of the digital, construction and economic industries. Allows you to focus on each section of the project in the information field and contributes to the improvement of the object management system. A digital double is a digital model that allows you to optimize your business, reflect the entire structure of the model, the technical condition, and also, through the use of analysis of physical and mathematical models, get a general idea of the construction object. In fact, a digital double is defined as an integrated virtual model of an object, obtained in the course of mathematical, physical, and intellectual analysis, which reflects the physical and technical condition of the object, its performance, and this together allows you to optimize the efficiency of financial investments. The creation of digital doubles is an integral part of the digital transformation of the Russian industry. This is quite a complex task, which involves solving serious financial costs, with painstaking selection and analysis of the results, comparing them with the costs. The economic effects of implementing implementation projects are manifested in the effective distribution and use of financial, material, technical and human resources and are achieved in several areas at once.

Author Biographies

I. B. Ivanova, Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

A. Y. Vasilyeva, Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov

Master's student


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How to Cite

Ivanova И. Б., & Vasilyeva А. Ю. (2022). THE “DIGITAL TWIN” OF A BUILDING: THE DIFFERENCE FROM BIM TECHNOLOGIES, SOURCES OF EFFICIENCY OF USE IN HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 17(2), 43–49.


