
  • E. S. Oshanova Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University




false friends of the translator, science of translation, fringe-international vocabulary


This article is devoted to the study of the interlanguage phenomenon “false friends of the translator” problems in the practice of translation studies. It is widely known that translation plays a large and important role in the cultural development of mankind. During the translation, a large number of problems arise which are quite difficult to cope with, therefore, in order to achieve the goal - to give a full and high-quality translation, the translator needs to possess versatile and special knowledge. The relevance of this work is that the concept “false friends of the translator” is considered on the example of English and German languages and the analysis is based on the material of journalistic texts. It should be pointed out that the “false friends of the translator” are the result of the mutual influence of languages but in some cases they appear due to random coincidences. Their meaning and the total number of each of the possible sources in their education becomes different for each individual pair of languages and is determined by the historical and genetic connections of the languages. The results of the translation’s analysis of the “translator's false friends” in newspaper articles show that the translator needs to study carefully the semantic structure, meanings and examples of the use of the “translator's false friends”, analyze the possible translation options of the word presented in the dictionary and also consider carefully the context in which the word is used. The study showed that the main task of analyzing the text in which “false friends” are used is to analyze the methods of individual author's use of language tools and in addition, to explain the language factors used in the text and their meaning.

Author Biography

E. S. Oshanova, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Oshanova Е. С. (2022). ON THE PROBLEM OF TRANSLATION “TRANSLATER’S FALSE FRIENDS” ON THE EXAMPLE OF PUBLICISTIC TEXTS. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 17(3), 121–126. https://doi.org/10.22213/2618-9763-2021-2-121-126


