
  • I. M. Nekipelova Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



language orientation, language activity, private and general language


The article is devoted to the research of a phenomenon of language orientation as aspect of human's language activity. The research revealed that language, being a phenomenon of human activity, exists as a set of individual subjective languages (private languages) and as universal objective language (general language). A codified and conventional model is general language; the set of individual ideas about language are private languages. The research showed that correlation between general and private languages forms individual's language experience. As a result of received and comprehended language experience the language orientation of language personality is formed. In turn, society exerts influence the personality by its language orientation in language area. The author determined that vectors of orientation are elements of inner permissive language structure of personality, formed and fixed by individual's language experience in the course of language socialization and social adaptation. Finally, it was concluded that language orientation presupposes the differentiation of language material to relevant and irrelevant. It may be conscious or unconscious. As a result, language experience and language orientation organize and control human's cogitative activity. It is important to understand that consistency and integrity of language orientation system are indications of stability and autonomy of language personality.

Author Biography

I. M. Nekipelova, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Candidate of Philological Sciences


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How to Cite

Nekipelova И. М. (2022). LANGUAGE ORIENTATION AS AN ASPECT OF HUMAN ACTIVITY. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 17(4), 90–95.


