
  • E. O. Sozina Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



culture, concept, emotion concept, tenderness, linguistic culture


The article is dedicated to the study of the concept “tenderness” in the Russian and Spanish language world pictures in comparison. During the study the connection between language and culture, which is reflected in the language picture of the world through the concept functioning as its unit. The focus of attention is concentrated on the emotional concept, which expresses image, evaluation and cultural significance. On the basis of the studied linguistic researches in the field of language theory the concepts “language picture of the world”, “concept” and “emotional concept” are revealed. The article is the continuation of the research of the concept “tenderness” representation in Russian and Spanish linguocultures. The analysis of the data of etymological, explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms has allowed to allocate semantic volume of a concept (nuclear area). To determine the content of the near-core area of the concept “tenderness” its explication in the space of the text is analyzed. The reflection of the concept in literary, fiction, journalistic, scientific, everyday texts by means of methods of the contextual analysis which purpose was to reveal new semantic features of the concept, given by the text and situation (context) is investigated. During the contextual analysis the data of the documents with the occurrence of the units “tenderness” and “tender” in the national corpus of the Russian language (1617 documents) and “ternura” in the national corpus of the Spanish language (1484 documents) were studied. Based on the study of the functioning and combinability of the unit “tenderness” in the Russian and Spanish texts, the main characteristics and components of values of the peri-nuclear area of the concept were identified. The analysis of the unit combinability made it possible to schematically display and compare its action orientation. According to the results of the contextual analysis the groups of cognitive features of the concept “tenderness” in Russian and Spanish were distinguished and compared with each other in percentage ratio. On the basis of comparison of the contents of the peri-nuclear area of the concept “tenderness” the most frequent components of meanings characterizing “tenderness” as a feeling and character of relations between people (between lovers, people, experiencing affection to each other) were revealed.

Author Biography

E. O. Sozina, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Sozina Е. О. (2022). BASIC MEANINGS OF THE CONCEPT “TENDERNESS” IN RUSSIAN AND SPANISH LANGUAGE PICTURES. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 17(4), 96–108.


