
  • Á. P. Sándor Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University; Széchenyi István University in Gyоr



natural language processing, artificial intelligence, fourth industrial revolution, generative pre-trained transformer 2, stochastic models


The article is devoted to the description of the work and the research of text generators generate longer texts with a minimum input of primary information. The research is interdisciplinary of NLP and carried out at the intersection of Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics. The emergence of the growth of web-based textual information has significantly accelerated the development of some scientific fields that have existed for many decades, but in the absence of much access to input data, they have not developed as rapidly as in the past two decades. There have been several promising ideas and experiments in this field for the automatic processing of natural language texts, which have already been implemented in many of the systems used, including many commercial systems. In my research, I try to better understand and compare existing CL applications and their operation in each topic. However, specific applications fall into one topic, with little or no difference in their area of operation and application. The methods NLP in the field of artificial intelligence were described. The most important and traceable form of communication is writing. Artificial intelligence and automation are at the heart of the ongoing fourth industrial revolution. During the research process, the author drew several conclusions during the research process. Among other things, he understood the importance of data vectorization and that any abstract process can be well modelled with mathematical processes. Although the use of different text generators are based on AI, the role of man is not negligible, as setting input parameters and checking output results for different methods still requires human control to this day. The layout and “quality assurance” of the text is the responsibility of AI researchers. Various techniques and methods have evolved and supplemented significantly over the past 20 years, with the latest text generators almost surpassing the framework and quality of text written by a person. This does not mean that in the future we will only read machine-generated text. Intuition and creativity still require the presence of man to this day, the machine processes the set of information we enter or enter and processes the various patterns and then generates texts using them.

Author Biography

Á. P. Sándor, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University; Széchenyi István University in Gyоr

Student, The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical engineering


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How to Cite

Sándor А. П. (2022). AI METHODS THAT CAN GENERATE LONGER TEXTS WITH MINIMAL INITIAL INPUT. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 17(4), 109–121.


