
  • E. U. Zlobina Udmurt State University
  • N. A. Kholmogorova Udmurt State University



shadow economy, the structure of the shadow economy, economic crimes, ways to minimize the shadow economy


The article is devoted to the shadow economy in the modern world. This phenomenon, inherent in many countries, occurs in command and market economic systems. The shadow sector is one of the most acute problems for the economy of the state, because huge resources are concentrated in the shadow turnover, which can become a source for economic growth, this determines the relevance of the topic under study. There is a lack of a unified approach to the definition of the concept of “shadow economy” due to the versatility of this phenomenon. The structure of the shadow economy is given, as well as the types and features of shadow activity in different countries. The analysis of the state of the shadow economy and its scale in developed, developing and transition economies is presented. In addition, the most common types of economic crimes that are part of shadow activities are considered. The size of the shadow economy of Russia and neighboring countries is compared.The second part of the article is devoted to ways to minimize the shadow economy. Since it is impossible to get rid of this phenomenon, it is necessary to take measures to reduce it. The main methods of combating the shadow sector used in many countries are considered. Specific measures that are applied in countries with the lowest volume of shadow economic activity are given.

Author Biographies

E. U. Zlobina, Udmurt State University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

N. A. Kholmogorova, Udmurt State University



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How to Cite

Zlobina Е. Ю., & Kholmogorova Н. А. (2022). SHADOW ECONOMY IN THE MODERN WORLD. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 18(3), 5–11.


