
  • E. E. Murinova Kazan Federal University



Russian as a foreign language, Language Pedagogy, learning programs


This article deals with traditional and modern methods, techniques of language pedagogy, connected with Russian lexicography and corpus linguistics. Contemporary tools of teaching Russian as a foreign language (new types of dictionaries, particularly ideographic and text corpuses) address issues related to unsystematic learning of the language, structuring the teaching process, enhancing students’ creativity and interests in the language. The author considers linguocultural aspect as central point of intercultural communication needed for linguistic persona development. It is reported that within language training programs for technical faculty students the following components are to be covered: gender aspects of communicative behavior reflected in verbal interaction, features of mind-set, cultural traditions of formal and informal communication. According to the author, this aim can be reached due to tasks on ranking in communication, contrastive-comparative analysis, working with lexicographic literature; texts of different styles and genres enable foreign students to learn lexical-phraseological system of the Russian language (theme groups; synonymic rows; antonymic pairs) more effectively, and pay attention to functional aspect of the language system.

Author Biography

E. E. Murinova, Kazan Federal University

Master’s Degree Student, Institute of Philology and International Communication


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How to Cite

Murinova Е. Е. (2022). ACQUISITION OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE BY KOREAN STUDENTS (technical program students). Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 18(3), 94–101.


