circular economy, principles of circular economy, project management in construction, sustainable development goalsAbstract
The main definitions of the circular economy given by foreign and domestic authors in the framework of international studies are compared. It is assumed that the circular economy is one of the solutions to reduce pollution. Taking into account industry specifics definitions of the circular economyin construction definitions are considered. The main problems of the widespread use of the principles of the circular economy in construction are identified. It is determined that the circular economy can be carried out at the operational level (a certain production process), tactical (associated with all processes) and strategic (associated with the entire organization). Three main areas of practical application of the principles of the circular economy in construction are identified: recycling of used building materials (concrete, bitumen, rebar, asphalt, wood and glass products), the economic efficiency of reuse (faster, at the lowest expenses and lower total cost) and the principles energy efficiency (buildings with reduced energy consumption, environmental materials, energy efficient technologies, renewable energy resources and lean production) in the design, construction and operation of buildings. It is assumed that further systemic changes in construction will concern the industrial production of materials from recycled resources, smart urban planning, the sharing of residential and office space, energy efficient construction.References
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