passing gas, energy efficiency, technological pipeline, gas piston installation, heat generatorAbstract
The article considers an innovative solution to the disposal of the burning of associated oil gas as one of the key problems of the oil and gas complex of Russia. Unproductive combustion of associated oil gas is due to a number of technical and economic causes, as well as the characteristics of the legal regulation of the oil industry. As a result, thousands of torches burn around the fields and oil refineries around the world, throwing millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year, as well as a large number of various dangerous pollutants. An alternative to combustion of associated oil gas - its preservation by reverse pumping in the bowels for production and processing in the future, use for generating electric and thermal energy, processing in fuel or raw materials for the chemical industry. The article presents the calculation of the use of associated oil gas as an energy carrier for heating technological pipelines. Heating of technological pipelines with the help of associated oil gas prevents the freezing of pipelines and maintains the desired temperature of the transported products. Assessment of the use of associated oil gas as an energy carrier for technological pipelines is given using one of the deposits of the Balezinsky district of the Udmurt Republic. The economic substantiation of heating systems made it possible to determine the most profitable way to use associated oil gas for heating technological pipelines, due to which the costs of fines for burning associated oil gas will be reduced, and a negative impact on the climate will also be reduced.References
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Copyright (c) 2022 К В Сальникова, Т Б Брюхачева, М Н Васюткина
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