CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN A MULTINATIONAL TEAM (verbal communication in russian and english languages)


  • E. E. Murinova Institute of Philology and International Communication of Kazan Federal University



speech clichés, conflict factors, multinational community


The paper addresses linguistic methods, techniques of linguodidactics relating the issues of conflict prevention, development of effective communication strategies, intercultural training, communicative competence building. Language training in cross-cultural environment requires adequate respond towards arising problems based on intercultural misunderstanding and disagreement. Certain aspects of communicative behaviour need mitigating, whereas integration of social, common cultural and other elements of communicative behaviour do not always sustain accordance in a team. The neutralization of communication environment should become a main approach in communication expressed in cliches. Standardized language environment is to resolve conflict factors, facilitate in adaptation of interlocuters, management and avoidance of conflicts.Existing cultural traditions of formal communication are important, yet impedimental in communication process. However, this process can be managed by the implementation of the program considering peculiarities of business cultures, their relevant communicative behaviour style and social hierarchy.

Author Biography

E. E. Murinova, Institute of Philology and International Communication of Kazan Federal University

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Murinova Е. Е. (2023). CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN A MULTINATIONAL TEAM (verbal communication in russian and english languages). Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 19(1), 75–80.


