
  • N. L. Zakharov Russian State Pedagogical University, Herzen University
  • T. V. Polovnikova Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



socio-economic trends, economics of management, sociology of management, the general population, the role of empiricism


The article discusses the main problems associated with the process of collecting information and evaluating it, from the point of view of truthfulness, representativeness, etc. So, due to the obtained sociological data, the most important economic and political decisions should be made at the level of the leadership of the country, region, organization. This article calls on sociologists and economists to analyze the existing domestic and foreign experience (including the Soviet period) of obtaining sociological information in new conditions and to propose effective mechanisms and methods of its processing in the new conditions of the modern world. The new conditions are understood as the processes of digitalization and the onset of a new socio-economic stage - the fourth industrial revolution, as a result of which previously effective tools and sources of statistical and sociological information do not allow obtaining reliable information. The authors believe that it is necessary to revise the theoretical and practical basis of sociological research, relying, first of all, on the modern perspective of the problem of the Durkheim method, which showed that the pure natural science method cannot be applied, because the subject-researcher influences the object of sociological research. In a new way in modern conditions, it is necessary to consider the principle of representativeness of Dr. George Gallup, developed by him in the middle of the last century, when he gave convincing results. But the world is changing, and scientific approaches to conducting research should also adapt, taking into account, in particular, when conducting sociological studies of electoral behavior. This article is the first in a series of a whole series of publications calling on sociologists, economists, marketers to jointly adapt sociological methods to the conditions of a changing world.

Author Biographies

N. L. Zakharov, Russian State Pedagogical University, Herzen University

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor

T. V. Polovnikova, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



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How to Cite

Zakharov Н. Л., & Polovnikova Т. В. (2023). NEW SOCIO-ECONOMIC TRENDS OF THE MODERN WORLD. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 19(2), 43–48.


