
  • I. M. Nekipelova Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



ontology of the spirit, phenomenology of the epoch, literature of Udmurtia, literary process


The article is devoted to the research of the phenomenological field of the poem by Benjamin Tronin “Hostages”. This literary work is a worthy example of modern literature, it meets the needs and requirements of the present time and develops the traditions already established in Russian literature. The study revealed that the poem has deep phenomenological meanings that create its multidimensionality. The poem presents four global plans. On the surface of the text is an epochal plan, it creates the plot of the work. Describing Soviet and post-Soviet times, the author gives key symbols and images of the Soviet and post-Soviet eras in which the main character of the poem lives. They are revealed by the author through the fate of the characters of the work, revealing first the social plan of interpersonal relations, and then the personal plan of the individual consciousness of the main hero of the poem. The protagonist comes forward with his fate and feelings. It is his consciousness, which is pure meaning formation, that forms the conceptual picture of the world in a work and creates the phenomenological space of the epoch, recognizable by the reader. The last and deepest plan is the ontological plan. It shows how lonely the protagonist, abandoned by all, is. However, the loneliness of the hero is not related to the understanding of his interpersonal relationships, but to the understanding of his existence. He feels very far from God. Gradually transcending the historical aspect of the age, revealing the social and personal aspects, he comes to the ontological aspect - the basis of his existence. At the end of the research, it was concluded that the author presents the poetic phenomenology of the spirit. This is realized in an attempt to reveal in the subjective perception of man the objective state of the epoch, which in turn consists not of time, but of human destinies, one of which is the fate of the protagonist.

Author Biography

I. M. Nekipelova, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Nekipelova И. М. (2023). PHENOMENOLOGY OF THE EPOCH AND ONTOLOGY OF THE SPIRIT IN THE POEM OF BENJAMIN TRONIN “HOSTAGES”. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 19(2), 60–67.


