
  • E. U. Zlobina Udmurt State University
  • N. Р. Gorbunova Udmurt State University



analysis of economic security of the region, Udmurt Republic, indicators of economic security of the region, economic security of the region


The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of economic security of the Udmurt Republic. The necessity of analyzing economic security in modern conditions is substantiated. The article notes that there is no consensus among scientists in the interpretation of the concept of “economic security of the region”. The basic elements in the definition of the essence of this definition are highlighted.The analysis of the state of economic security and the identification of its threats in the Udmurt Republic was carried out on the basis of the calculation of indicators for three blocks: economic, social and financial. The comparison of indicators of the state of economic security of the Udmurt Republic with other regions of the Privolzhskiy Federal Districtincluded in the group “lagging/catching up” in three areas: economic, financial and social.The analysis of indicators of economic security of the social sphere showed that the most problematic areas for all regions are the following: life expectancy at birth, unemployment rate, as well as indicators reflecting the level of income of the population. The main threat to economic security in the financial block for the regions of the Privolzhskiy Federal District of the “lagging/catching up” group is the low income of the consolidated budget per capita. The result of the study was the identification of threats to economic security for the Udmurt Republic, among which the key ones are: a low share of manufacturing industries in the volume of regional production; low volume of innovative products; low revenues of the consolidated budget per capita, low standard of living of the population.

Author Biographies

E. U. Zlobina, Udmurt State University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professon

N. Р. Gorbunova, Udmurt State University



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How to Cite

Zlobina Е. Ю., & Gorbunova Н. П. (2023). ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF ECONOMIC SECURITY INDICATORS UDMURT REPUBLIC. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 19(3), 15–23.


