
  • E. A. Kasatkina Udmurt State University
  • A. D. Karavayev Udmurt State University



standard of living, state program, regional management, urban planning, housing construction


The article is devoted to the study of topical issues of housing construction in the Udmurt Republic. The specificity of the industry and its connection with many other fields of activity are noted, which results in the territory obtaining a multiplicative effect. Attention is focused on the fact that supporting the construction industry in today's difficult macroeconomic situation is one of the key tasks of the regional government. The authors analyzed the state and dynamics of the development of housing construction in the Udmurt Republic. The indicator of capital investments in the construction industry of the Udmurt Republic is analyzed. It was concluded that there was a significant increase in the total area of residential premises commissioned during the period under review and the number of apartments commissioned. Special attention is paid to the change in the average actual cost of construction of 1 square meter of housing. As a result of the study, the authors identified the regions of the republic with the highest level of housing provision. It is formulated that when analyzing the level and trends of socio-economic development of the Udmurt Republic in the field of housing construction, it is necessary to take into account the need to improve housing conditions for certain categories of citizens, the urgency of major repairs of the housing stock. In order to improve the tools for implementing the housing development strategy, a recommendation has been developed on the use of a typification mechanism for housing construction projects in the Udmurt Republic, which will minimize the use of budget funds in the field of housing and infrastructure construction and increase the responsibility of designers. In conclusion, the conclusion is formulated that the solution of problems is possible through the use of standard construction projects, which will optimize the use of budgetary resources.

Author Biographies

E. A. Kasatkina, Udmurt State University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

A. D. Karavayev, Udmurt State University

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Kasatkina Е. А., & Karavayev А. Д. (2024). THE STATE AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL HOUSING CONSTRUCTION MARKET OF THE UDMURT REPUBLIC. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 20(1), 14–25.


