efficiency improvement, labor productivity, personnel motivation, balanced scorecardAbstract
The article is devoted to the application of the balanced scorecard system in the activities of an industrial enterprise using the example of Elekond JSC. The current remuneration mechanism at Elekond JSC is not related to the main goal of the enterprise. In order to increase the relationship between workers' compensation and the efficiency of the enterprise, it is necessary to increase labor productivity. The article discusses the concept of constructing a strategic map of an enterprise, which implements a system of interactions between the main business processes responsible for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise. Based on the analysis and construction of a strategic map of the enterprise's development, key performance indicators of individual divisions were identified, as a result of which it became possible to build a balanced scorecard system (BSS) for each division, highlight growth points and formulate key performance indicators (KPIs). For convenience of narration within the framework of this article, we limited the example to the motivation system of the department of labor and employment (OtiZ), which did not affect the integrity. Key indicators such as carrying out measures to reduce labor costs, improve production processes, and processing requests from departments were identified for O&P employees. Each of the selected indicators was assigned ranks according to importance, and then a KPI value was set depending on the degree of implementation of the plan. Since fulfilling the plan for all indicators seems impossible, we used the KPI index and showed its impact on the amount of bonuses for individual employees. In general, the result of implementing measures to implement the BSC is positive; revenue from product sales increases, which affects labor productivity.References
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