
  • D. O. Bralnin Syktyvkar State University named after. Pitirim Sorokina



hermeneutic approach, correlation of components, creolised text, sticker


The article is devoted to the study of creolised texts, which in recent decades have become, along with traditional texts, one of the key areas of modern linguistics and communication studies. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the ways of interaction between verbal and non-verbal components, as such semiotically complex texts arise in digital spheres and represent a complex unity of linguistic and non-linguistic elements. It is noted that the interaction of the text part, images and other elements creates a unique communicative environment, which can include a sticker as a special kind of creolised text, for the study of which it is effective to apply the methods of hermeneutic approach, which allows us to consider them as a form of expression of emotions and feelings. It is important to emphasise that in online user interaction, where non-verbal feedback is often absent, the study of stickers from the point of view of hermeneutics allows us to reveal how these symbols are used to convey emotional content and how they interact with verbal text to create a complete communicative act. The article considers different interpretations of the term “creolised text”, which allows us to identify their common features and characteristics, as well as to trace the evolution of such a phenomenon, and summarises the types of relationships between verbal and non-verbal codes in this kind of text presented in the works of various researchers. The article supplements the theoretical apparatus of research in the field of communication theory by highlighting a new type of component interaction, namely modal, in the structure of stickers along with complementary and interpretive on the example of the stickerpack for the anniversary of A.S. Pushkin, whichis relevant in the context of the peculiarities of sticker's functioning in modern communication.

Author Biography

D. O. Bralnin, Syktyvkar State University named after. Pitirim Sorokina

преподаватель кафедры русской филологии


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How to Cite

Bralnin Д. О. (2024). STICKERS AS CREOLISED TEXT. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 20(1), 88–95.


