
  • A. L. Kuznetsov Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I would like to share with you the emotions and problems that were noted at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Industrial Economics: State of the Art, Trends, Prospects,” which took place on May 22–23, 2024. The conference was organized by Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov, Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Udmurt branch of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Industrial and Economic Association (PEA) of Udmurtia “Development”, which provided us with solid representation of industrial enterprises of Udmurtia. The first problem was voiced by me; it emerged in the context of preparations for the conference: understanding that the main problem and task at present is to ensure technological sovereignty in the domestic industry, we analyzed the main statistical data characterizing the current state of this process. It turned out that official statistics lag behind by exactly two years, i.e. the latest Rosstat figures are presented for 2021, and in rare cases - for 2022. Moreover, graphs and diagrams obtained as a result of using official data go against those trends , which are present in the real sector. According to Rosstat, in the process of technological sovereignty, Udmurtia is a lagging territory even in the manufacturing industries! Although, according to PEA data presented by its executive director A. A. Fedyukin, the volume of industrial production for the period from 2021 to 2024 increased more than 2 times and reached a record almost 300 billion rubles, the volume of investments increased by 5.5 times and reached 31.9 billion rubles, which brings the republic to a leading position! The problem of the lag in official statistics is not new, it is dictated by the length of time it takes to collect and process statistical information, but in terms of setting the problem and options for solving it, it’s time to speed up these processes, especially since this is the age of digitalization and information technology. The second problem was outlined by the Minister of Economy of the Udmurt Republic S.V. Yurin, who rightly pointed out the need to develop logistics and transport infrastructure, which will certainly increase the investment attractiveness of the region and will contribute to the development of productive forces...

Author Biography

A. L. Kuznetsov, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Doctor of Economics, Professor




How to Cite

Kuznetsov А. Л. (2024). A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 20(2), 4. Retrieved from https://izdat.istu.ru/index.php/social-economic-management/article/view/5841


