
  • O. E. Vasilieva Kurgan state university
  • L. V. Lazareva Kurgan state university



regression analysis, competitive advantages, gdp, digitalization, information and communication technologies


The article presents the results of a study aimed at analyzing information and communication technologies and their impact on the development of an enterprise in the data economy. The idea is substantiated that the need for a systematic approach to the formation of the digital environment has led to a change in the indicators for evaluating the use of information and communication technologies. The main research method is the analysis of Rosstat data for the period from 2005 to 2022. It is noted that during the period under review, the composition of indicators has significantly expanded, since all economic entities have access to new digital technologies, but at the same time cross-cutting indicators have been identified, which has significantly increased the time period for analyzing indicators. Some particular indicators of the involvement of economic entities in digitalization are considered. Based on the analysis, it was revealed that access to high-speed Internet allows a digital economy entity to be involved in data exchange with the digital environment (there is an annual increase in the percentage of organizations with access to broadband Internet), the organization's website positions it in the digital space (the percentage of organizations with a website increases annually). It is noted that important indicators for assessing readiness for digitalization are the number of personal computers per one hundred employees of an organization (annual growth) and the costs of organizations for information technology (measured in billions of rubles and increasing annually). It is determined that the driver of digital transformation is the state and the interdependence of the volume of budget allocations for the implementation of the State program «Digital Economy» and the dynamics of GDP is studied. The results of the study are summarized and conclusions are drawn about the future prospects of digitalization of enterprises in the data economy.

Author Biographies

O. E. Vasilieva, Kurgan state university

Doctor of Economics, Professor

L. V. Lazareva, Kurgan state university

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How to Cite

Vasilieva О. Е., & Lazareva Л. В. (2024). INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR IMPACT ON ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT IN THE DATA ECONOMY. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 20(2), 14–21.


