civil initiative, socially oriented non-profit organizations (SONKO), non-profit organizations, social Security, social population protectionAbstract
The article is devoted to the current topic of development of the social protection system. Statistics show that the number of citizens demanding support from the state is growing: society is aging, there is an increase in the number of people with disabilities, and the number of inpatient social service organizations is growing. The total number of disabled people is more than 11 million people, the number of lonely elderly people is more than 7 million people, which requires the development of modern mechanisms for social protection of the population. The theoretical analysis made it possible to highlight the features of understanding and propose an expanded description of the category “social protection” from the perspective of the individual and the state, including social security, guarantees, assistance, support¸ compensation, insurance, generally characterized by the consumption of all types of social services within the framework of the state social policy . The proposed theoretical three-level model of providing social protection takes into account factorial and dynamic elements and can be the basis for building an effective social security system with the involvement of socially oriented non-profit organizations. The analysis of statistical data revealed an increase in the number of volunteers in the implementation of civil initiatives of socially oriented non-profit organizations, which requires systematic development and implementation in state social support programs to increase the efficiency of social protection processes. A study of the target audience's awareness of the work of socially oriented non-profit organizations confirmed the need to popularize ongoing social projects to expand the scope of social services. The proposed generalized model of the mechanism of social interaction when including the resources of socially oriented non-profit organizations based on forecasting social processes will make it possible to effectively manage the formation of social support programs for the population to increase the efficiency of social protection processes.References
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