threats to environmental safety, analysis of environmental safety, environmental safety, Volga Federal district, economic security of the regionAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of the impact of environmental safety on the economic security of the region. The economy of a country and its regions is inextricably linked to the state and functioning of its elements, including the environmental situation. This factor has an impacton the resource supply of production, life expectancy and working capacity of the population, aswell as on trade opportunities in both domestic and foreign markets. Without ensuring environmental safety, it is impossible to ensure the safety of economic processes. Assessment of regional environmental safety is currently an urgent area of research, since many regions of Russia are characterized by a high proportion of industrial production, high anthropogenic load and the presence of environmental problems that can negatively affect the economic security of the region. The article presents the results of an assessment of the environmental safety of the regions of the Volga Federal District using various methods. The authors analyzed the state of environmental safety of the regionson the basis of a number of indicators outlined in the Strategy of Environmental Safety of Russia. The results of the evaluation using the indicative method are presented. In addition, a cluster analysis was carried out over several years, which, based on official statistical data, allowed the formation of groups of regions according to the level of environmental safety. The authors identified the following are as for neutralizing threats to environmental safety: improvement of legislation in the field of environmental safety; development and implementation of new technologies that will be more environmentally friendly; creation of programs for environmental cleanup and restoration of natural resources; strengthening control over compliance with environmental norms and standards. The identification of the interrelationships between environmental and economic security will allow us to develop effective strategies to ensure the sustainable development of the region, reduce the negative impacton the environment and increase the level of environmental safety.References
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