
  • N. L. Taranukha Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • M. Y. Novikov Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • P. A. Borshova Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



prices, support, cost, construction, antenna-mast structure


The article examines issues related to the current state and problems of pricing in the field of construction of antenna-mast structures of cellular communications. The authors point out the peculiarity of the considered sphere of construction in terms of the mechanism for determining the estimated cost using tariffers, which differs from the generally accepted method, which implies the use of approved estimated standards, and is due to the lack of prices in the current regulatory framework that allow full marking of special types of work performed during the construction of antenna-mast structures. The disadvantages of this approach are given due to the establishment of prices in the tariff for enlarged work complexes and elements of the structure as a whole, which does not allow taking into account factors that have a significant impact on the design features of the support and, as a result, the cost of its construction and depend on the construction conditions and customer requirements. At the same time, the authors note and clearly confirm the absence of linking the rates of the tariff to the amount of work actually performed and the consumption of resources during the construction of a specific antenna-mast structure, which entails an unreliable estimate of the cost of construction. Separately, a comparison of the cost of materials for the construction of supports of the same height, depending on the projected payload, is provided, which also confirms the need to revise the existing pricing system. The authors provide recommendations aimed at improving the pricing mechanism used: options are proposed for the development and implementation of estimated standards for the construction area under consideration, as well as for improving the tariff rates in the interaction of construction organizations and customers.

Author Biographies

N. L. Taranukha, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Doctor of Economics, Professor

M. Y. Novikov, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


P. A. Borshova, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



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How to Cite

Taranukha Н. Л., Novikov М. Ю., & Borshova П. А. (2024). THE STATE, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF PRICING DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF CONSTRUCTION OF ANTENNA-MAST STRUCTURES OF CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 20(3), 100–107.


