
  • N. M. Mezrina Izhevsk State Technical University



downtime, repairs, category of repair complexity, investments, standards, market price, book value, methodology


This article focuses on issues related to the comprehensive analysis of methods for planning equipment maintenance and repair.Considerable attention in the article is paid to the methods of V. V. Semenov, which allow developing schedules for equipment maintenance and repair, help to detect vulnerable areas in operation and carry out preventive measures before equipment malfunctions occur. The methods of V. V. Semenov not only play an important role in the standardization processes, which significantly affects the improvement of the quality of maintenance and repair work, but also touch upon the issue of the quality of repair work. The methods take into account the features of all types of equipment, which contributes to the use of individual approaches to each equipment. However, we have identified shortcomings in the methods, which are reflected in the table; the main one was identified and established as the use of the book value of the equipment, adopted as the basis for calculating standards. Market-oriented methods are used for high-quality planning of equipment maintenance and repair. The author sees the solution to problems in planning equipment maintenance and repair in the fact that these methods use the market value of equipment as a basis for calculating standards, the advantages of which are described in detail in the article. The methods developed by the author determine financial planning and create a reasonable basis for budgeting for equipment maintenance and repair, in a market economy they take into account changes in the market value of equipment, contribute to more accurate economic and financial forecasting, and allow more attention to be paid to assessing the financial risks associated with the operation of obsolete equipment and requiring the development of a strategy to reduce them. In conclusion, it should be noted that the author's methods under consideration are of primary importance in determining the equipment cost estimate, taking into account the costs of equipment maintenance and repair, which contributes to improved investment planning. Thus, based on the comprehensive analysis of the methods, it can be concluded that the use of market-oriented methods in planning contributes to effective asset management and an increase in the overall profitability of industrial enterprises.

Author Biography

N. M. Mezrina, Izhevsk State Technical University

graduate student


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How to Cite

Mezrina Н. М. (2024). COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF METHODS IN PLANNING TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EQUIPMENT. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 20(4), 33–39.


