motivation of extracurricular scientific activity, Student Scientific Society (SSS), educational and research activities, university, extracurricular scientific activity (ESA)Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the organization and development of extracurricular scientific activity (ESA) of students at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (HSPUR). The idea of the importance of ESA in the preparation of future teachers is substantiated in connection with the increasing demands on the quality of training of teaching staff, the compliance of the higher education system with the challenges of modern times and the need to strengthen the role of scientific activity in the educational process. Based on the analysis of data collected during an in-depth interview, in which leading specialists from various structural divisions of the university who supervise the extracurricular scientific activity of students took part, the mechanisms and forms of organization of ESA at HSPUR are revealed. The main attention is paid to the functioning of student scientific societies (SSS), which are key elements of the system of extracurricular scientific initiatives. It is emphasized that SSS have a flexible structure and are the most successful form of student self-government, allowing to combine individual scientific interests of students with the tasks of the educational program. The article provides a detailed description of the main functions of the Student Scientific Society, such as developing students' research competencies, supporting scientific events and assisting in the publication of scientific papers. The problems that arise in the process of organizing the Student Scientific Society are discussed, including low motivation of a significant portion of students and a lack of resources for conducting full-fledged scientific research. The article presents proposals for improving the organization and development of ESA. Among them, measures are highlighted to attract students to the scientific life of the university from their first years, increase the attractiveness of scientific research activities, support and improve the incentive system, as well as create conditions for the effective functioning of the institutional infrastructure of student science.References
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