popular science style, communicative-pragmatic potential, medical terminologyAbstract
The article concentrates on the study of the communicative and pragmatic features of popular science medical texts.The purpose of the popular science medical text is to popularize knowledge in the field of medicine, biology and health care. Also medical terminology not only names medical concepts, but also has an influencing function. And expressive means simplify the presentation of medical knowledge and get into contact with a reader. The article gives the definition of “popular science style”, considers its specificity and analyzes the stylistic features of popular science medical texts in English and German. It is noted that the communicative and pragmatic characteristics of popular science texts on medical topics are expressed in the use of certain linguistic means focused on the transfer of scientific knowledge and the involvement of communicants in the perception and understanding of this information. The results of the analysis show that the percentage of terms, colloquial vocabulary, tropes and syntactic means in English and German is approximately the same. It allows us to conclude that most popular science medical texts have such stylistic features. Thus, the authors of popular scientific medical books strive to fulfill their main task - to convey scientific knowledge in the field of medicine to the reader as much as possible.References
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