
  • A. I. Troyanskaya Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • S. A. Korobeynikov Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



recruitment of personnel, professional psychological selection, testing, military-professional suitability


This article is devoted to one of the most important problems of the military formation in Russian Army is the use of personnel psychological testing in the recruitment of military units, also the stages of professional psychological selection of people who obligate to serve in Russian Army. The article describes the reasons, which explain the necessity and purposes of professional psychological selection. The types of tests what reveal professional aptitudes, personal qualities and the intellectual level are considered in details. The results of testing allow you to distribute effectively them into military units, based on their aptitudes and abilities. Nowadays the problem is insufficient using of test results getting during the tasting. Consequently, the longitudinal research of the connection between the testing results and features of military service and possible future military career in Russian Federation armed forces are perspective. The other problem is in realizing testing data, there are many of recruits who wants to avoid military duties. They often hope they will be able to avoid it reducing their testing results. In perspective, it is needed to find ways to solve this problem, through the study of this group of recruits, the development of a special algorithm for guidance them, as well as a clear explanation that low test results can negatively affect not only further military service, but also civil career in the future. Based on the analysis of documents and literary sources, the article reveals the concept of professional psychological selection, the stages of psychological testing and recruitment of personnel of military units.

Author Biographies

A. I. Troyanskaya, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

PhD in Psychology

S. A. Korobeynikov, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Troyanskaya А. И., & Korobeynikov С. А. (2022). THE USE OF TESTING FOR RECRUITMENT OF MILITARY PERSONNEL: THE STEPS OF THE APPLICATION, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 17(3), 59–63.


