
  • E. O. Sozina Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



culture, concept, emotion concept, tenderness, linguistic culture, language picture of the world


The article is dedicated to understanding of the concept of “tenderness” in Russian and Spanish linguistic pictures of the world in comparison. During research the connection between language and culture is indicated, reflected in the linguistic picture of the world through the functioning of the concept as its unit. The focus of attention is focused on the emotional concept that expresses the image, assessment, and cultural significance. On the basis of the learnt linguistic researches in the field of language theory, the concepts of “language picture of the world”, “concept” and “emotional concept” are revealed. A comparative analysis of the data of etymological, explanatory dictionaries, as well as dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms of the Russian and Spanish languages is carried out. The obtained results are compared with the events of the domestic and foreign political life of Russia and Spain of the designated time periods (Etymology, the Middle Ages, the XVIII-XIX centuries, the XX century, the XXI century). The nuclear zone of the concept “tenderness” is being formed in the Russian and Spanish language pictures of the world. The article analyzes the content structure of the concept “tenderness” and the transformation of its components from the moment of its origin to the present day. It clearly reflects which components of the concept values appear and disappear according to the dictionaries from one epoch to another. The most frequent components of the values of the nuclear zone of the concept, common and periodic for each of the studied world pictures, are identified. In conclusion, are formed findings about the similarity and difference of changes in the concept due to the historical formation and its modern functioning in the Russian and Spanish language pictures of the world. It was revealed that in the transformation process, the concept of “tenderness” acquired the status of a deep comprehensive feeling. Nevertheless, despite the general similarity, there are also specific features for each language picture of the world, which are reflected by the analyzed language data recorded in dictionaries. It follows from this that the linguistic representation of the same concept of “tenderness” in the Russian and Spanish linguistic cultures is quite different due to the mental characteristics of each of these cultures.

Author Biography

E. O. Sozina, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Sozina Е. О. (2022). BASIC MEANINGS OF THE CONCEPT “TENDERNESS” IN RUSSIAN AND SPANISH LANGUAGE PICTURES. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 17(3), 90–103.


