To the definition of “diversification of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the conditions of civil-military integration”


  • T. A. Berkutova Federal state unitary enterprise “All-Russia scientific and research institute “Center”
  • A. V. Mahova Federal state unitary enterprise “All-Russia scientific and research institute “Center”
  • B. A. Kovtun Federal state unitary enterprise “All-Russia scientific and research institute “Center”



military-industrial complex, enterprise, diversification


The analysis of the conceptual apparatus used in the scientific literature and other materials is carried out to disclose the relations characterizing the content of the processes of diversification of enterprises in relation to the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, since at the completion of the rearmament of the Russian armed forces in 2020 and the reduction in funding for the state defense order, diversification is a key priority of the activity enterprises of the military-industrial complex, causing a change in the requirements for the organization of processes of diversification of enterprises of the military-industrial complex to ensure organizational and economic interpenetration of the military and civilian sectors of the economy. The study of definitions in the field of diversification, the integration of the content of diversification processes, the analysis of the main trends in diversification in domestic and foreign practice in the context of business development in the current economic situation will allow us to more clearly define the subject area of research and specify the wording and methods of solving scientific and applied problems. It is proposed to introduce the concept of “diversification of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the conditions of military-civil integration” and its author's definition, more clearly defining the subject area of research and specifying the formulation and methods of solving scientific and applied problems, since it reflects the manufacturer's attitude to the products produced by him and assumes that the ultimate goal is not only to obtain additional profit, but also to ensure sustainable economic development of defense industry enterprises, increase defense capability and preserve the social stability of the state.

Author Biographies

T. A. Berkutova, Federal state unitary enterprise “All-Russia scientific and research institute “Center”

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

A. V. Mahova, Federal state unitary enterprise “All-Russia scientific and research institute “Center”

B. A. Kovtun, Federal state unitary enterprise “All-Russia scientific and research institute “Center”



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How to Cite

Berkutova Т. А., Mahova А. В., & Kovtun Б. А. (2022). To the definition of “diversification of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the conditions of civil-military integration”. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 17(4), 19–23.


