
  • I. N. Zagoruiko Udmurt State University



clip thinking, generation Z, “digital people”, hyperinformatization, addiction, gamification, panel discussion, game learning platform


The article reveals the problems of modern schoolchildren and students’ new type of thinking, formed through the Internet dominant role in the information search and processing. Young people are in information noise conditions, while there are no tools to influence the information flow, the only way to avoid overwork is to perceive incoming information in fragments like in a clip. In this article the author made an attempt to consider comprehensively the phenomenon of clip thinking, to determine the factors contributing to its appearance in generation Z, to analyze the criteria of cognitive-perceptual activity of clip thinking. This kind of analysis is feasible because of the interdisciplinarity of the phenomenon under consideration. The obtained results clearly illustrate the situation of the negative clip thinking impact on the traditional education system, since it is not able to fully ensure the material qualitative perception by students. Experts in this field note the need to change the entire structure in an evolutionary way, not breaking the usual scheme, but supplementing it with effective tools that help activate the clip thinking constructive aspects, including multitasking, information received rapid processing, solving tasks with the various modalities’ involvement. The use of relevant techniques in the educational process, provided by the various mobile devices’ potential, allows students to be interested, to teach them to work systematically and logically on a problem, to analyze, synthesize and verify the information that they generate themselves. The basic platforms, according to the author’s opinion, can be game learning platforms variety that involve in the educational process not only standard sources of information - textbooks, but also mobile devices that work as a digital ecosystem that allows you to solve any task of activating the potential of clip thinking. In conclusion, it was realized that the process of the classical educational system transformation is dynamically but systematically changing under the influence of a new thought process of the modern digital generation.

Author Biography

I. N. Zagoruiko, Udmurt State University

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Zagoruiko И. Н. (2022). CLIP THINKING AS A DRIVER OF MODERN EDUCATION. Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 18(2), 74–81.


