
  • R. A. Vernyaeva Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • L. F. Kilina Udmurt State University




Russian Сhronicles, meaning of the word, grammatical semantics, name syncretism


The article presents a lexical and grammatical description of the lexemes лихо, лихъ (лихыи) using the methods of corpus linguistics, namely, a continuous selection of word forms was carried out, a quantitative analysis was carried out, and the contexts of three Сhronicles containing the studied forms were analyzed. As part of the study, an electronic corpus of Russian Сhronicles was used, presented on the IAS “Manuscript” portal, which allows you to automatically generate a selection of lexical units and conduct statistical analysis. The paper provides a complete lexicographic description of the lexemes лихо, лихъ, made on the basis of historical dictionaries. In the course of the work, it was revealed that the desired units in the Сhronicle text are not frequent. The main number is represented by the case forms of the noun, adverbs, predicates and substantives are fixed, the presence of which is due to nominal syncretism. When analyzing chronicle contexts, stable expressions were found with the dashing component: dashingly hold your heart, look dashingly. These stable units are recorded in lexicographic sources, but it is known that the question of the status of phraseological units in the Old Russian language remains open. The paper concludes that the noun лихо in the Chronicles under consideration has the meaning of ‘evil, all bad // evil deed // misfortune, misfortune’, and it is not possible to single out any semantic component, which is due to the generalized semantics of this name. The predicate famously in all cases is realized in the meaning of ‘bad, bad’ and characterizes the state of a person. The adverb famously in the examples given is used in the meaning of ‘bravely, in danger’ in combination with the verb to drive and in the meaning of ‘badly, badly’ in combination with the verb to speak. The meaning ‘over measure, too much, too much’ is not presented in the annals, this can be explained by the fact that words with this root in the annals were mainly used to denote negative phenomena, and the original meaning associated with exceeding the measure is extremely rare.

Author Biographies

R. A. Vernyaeva, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

PhD of in Philology

L. F. Kilina, Udmurt State University

PhD of in Philology


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How to Cite

Vernyaeva Р. А., & Kilina Л. Ф. (2022). LEXICAL AND GRAMMATICAL SEMANTICS OF LEXEMES ЛИХО, ЛИХЪ (ЛИХЫИ) IN RUSSIAN СHRONICLES OF THE XIII-XIV CENTURIES (on the material of the electronic case). Social’no-Ekonomiceskoe Upravlenie: Teoria I Praktika, 18(3), 85–93. https://doi.org/10.22213/2618-9763-2022-3-85-93


