predicatives, statives, category of state, language interiorization, Teaching Methodology, russian as a foreign languageAbstract
The article is devoted to the research of those encountered among foreign students who study Russian language as a foreign language in mastering one of the most difficult categories of the Russian language - statives. Originally these difficultis are supposed consequences of the objective causes of occurrence are also assumed to be conjugated with the full sensual, resulting from their objective, that is, secondary. In the process of the reserching it needs to show revealed that among the main objective reasons - insufficient exercise of statives from a scientific point of view, the insufficient representation of this category in textbooks and teaching benefits, external and internal grammatical heterogeneity of the statives, the lack of a formulation of the statives in other languages, its variability and possibility of interchangeability another constructions. These reasons it is a part of which are removable, are primary and do not develop from students. The study also showed that the internalization of the verbal statives is complicated by pronounced obvious signs, among which one can single out the rejection of the tendency to predicate speech, the insufficiency of using them in speech, the lack of understanding of the words of the statives as systemic elements of the Russian language, and immunity to their understanding in the oral speech of the Russian language. language. All this makes internalization unstable and short-term. At the end of the study, it was concluded that the desire to study the statives and reduce its use to a minimum is impossible, since it occupies a fairly large space in the Russian language and actively uses Russian speakers in various communicative uses. In this regard, there is scientific research of the nature of words, the formation of a state that gives a methodological description of the characteristics and characteristics of their functions in Russian, as well as the need to compile a list of words, ways to be predicative, explore productive models that implement the properties of the statives in the grammatical plane, description of the possible grammatical environment of predicatives.References
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